The following is excerpted from the Town of Petawawa website. Please consult their website for the most recent copy of the park rules.
Rules and Regulations of Use
Scentral Bark Dog Park
1. Dogs must be kept on-leash until inside the double-gated area. Once inside, leashes must be removed from the dog and retained by the owner at all times.
(Dogs who are leashed may feel threatened by free roaming dogs. In the
event of problems, dog owners should be able to quickly leash and remove
their dogs from the premises or out of danger.)
2. Any dog that is sick, aggressive, requires a muzzle or is in heat (female) is not permitted in the park. Dogs must be removed at the first sign of aggression.
3. Poop n’ scoop is mandatory. Bags and bins are available throughout the park.
4. Park users and dog owners assume all risks related to dog park usage.
5. Owners must have a dog park tag for every dog, available from the Community Services office. This is in addition to a current municipal dog tag.
(Tags serve as proof of vaccination. Dogs who are up to date on vaccinations
are less likely to spread certain communicable diseases.)
6. Puppies under the age of six (6) months old are not permitted in the park.
(They have not received all of their vaccinations and are at risk of contracting communicable diseases and so should be kept away from the dog park for their own protection and that of other dogs.)
7. Dogs must be under supervision by a responsible person at all times.
(Unattended dogs are more likely to get into trouble and stay in trouble than
dogs who are being watched. Owners are responsible for the behavior of
their dogs.)
8. No one owner may be responsible for more than two (2) dogs in the park.
9. Use of the dog park is not recommended for children under the age of 16. All children must be supervised by an adult attendant while inside the fenced areas.
(Infants and small children, especially running children, may be regarded as
prey animals by certain dogs. Dogs may also feel the urge to protect children
they know. This tends to cause aggressive behavior.)
10. No food of any kind (e.g. dog treats, human food) is permitted in the dog park. Beverages in non-breakable containers are allowed.
(Obvious food can prompt aggressive behavior between dogs. In addition,
some dogs may have allergic reactions to some treats/foods. Glass
containers and other breakable materials are capable of causing injury to a
11. No dog or children’s toys are permitted in the park (e.g. balls, Frisbees).
(Dogs may claim toys that do not belong to them, which may lead to
aggressive behavior. Small toys may be a choking hazard to some dogs,
especially larger dogs.)
12. Please fill in any holes dug by your dog.
13. Dog training is not permitted in the park and dog trainers are not permitted to use the dog park to conduct their business.
14. Smoking is not permitted in the dog park.Dog owners and handlers assume all liability, responsibility and associated risks related to the dog park and are subject to the Ontario Dog Owner’s Liability Act, the Town of Petawawa Animal Control By-law and the Parks and Recreation Areas By-Law. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations may result in loss of privileges or facility users may be fined.
For more information, please contact the Community Services Department at 613-687-5678 or